Consulting Team
The senior consultants and associates of TEMN have all been closely involved with Jamaica's private and public sectors, and have been pivotal in the development of the country's environmental policy. Three have been past executive staff members of the Natural Resources Conservation Department (NRCD), precursor to the Natural Resources Conservation Authority (NRCA), the major Jamaican agency responsible for environmental management. The combined team brings more than 50 years of experience in working together on complex multi-disciplinary environmental studies of national significance and is committed to providing quality services by adhering to the principles of sound environmental management.


Paul Carroll BSc., MSc – Principal, Environmental Chemist, EIA Specialist

Pierre Diaz BSc. – Director, Physical Ocenographer

Peter Gayle BSc., MPhil, PhD Candidate – Director, Marine Ecologist, EIA Specialist

Donovan Rose BSc., MSc – Director, Geochemist,
EIA Specialist


  • ADeB Consultants Limited – Consulting Engineers
  • Air Zone One Limited – Laboratory Services,
      Air Quality Specialists
  • Arpita Mandal BSc, MSc, PhD – Hydrogeologist
  • Allison Richards BSc, MSc., PhD Candidate –
      Environmental Planner, SIA specialist
  • Ping Wang, Ph.D., – Marine Geologist
  • Duwatech – Unmaned Aerial Vehicles (UAV) Services


    Dr. Ping Wang holds a Ph.D. degree in marine geology and is a professor at the School of Geosciences at the University of South Florida and the director of the Coastal Research Lab. Dr. Wang has over 15 years’ experience as a researcher and practitioner in coastal oceanography, coastal engineering, and coastal management and specializes in beach erosion, beach restoration, estuarine processes, and shore protection. He has published nearly 100 scientific papers in peer-reviewed journals and international conference proceedings and is the principal investigator of numerous research projects on coastal processes and shore protection funded by various US federal, state and local governments and private enterprise. Dr. Wang is an associate editor of flagship coastal research journals including the Journal of Coastal Research and ASCE (America Society of Civil Engineers) Journal of Waterway, Port, Coastal and Ocean Engineering.