TEM Network offers ocean engineering solutions for coastal reclamation, development and assessment.
The state of the art COASTAL MODELING SYSTEM developed by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Reaserch and Development Center - ERDC is utilised to analyse coastal processes and predict the effects of coastal development.
Applying latest coastal dynamics models, TEM Network also constructs and installs coastal structures which are used to provide stability to eroding and damaged shorelines. Beach coves are created and beaches expanded to service the tourism, recreational, fisheries and other local sectors.
As well as constructing various conventional types of breakwaters and jetties, TEM Network is the local agent for the patented Wave Attenuation Device (WAD) system. This artificial-reef technology has been used worldwide and in Jamaica as an environmentally sustainable approach to beach erosion mitigation and marine habitat enhancement.
Hydrographic Surveys along with a complete range of Underwater Diving and Marine Contracting services are also offered.